Day 9
Start time: 8:00
[1 Hour Lunch]
End time: 5:00
Hours Worked: 8
Total Hours: 72
Start time: 8:00
[1 Hour Lunch]
End time: 5:00
Hours Worked: 8
Total Hours: 72
Today I start out by just getting into the thick of it with the ETDs. The first ETD that I tacked today was a computer science thesis titled Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Network Simulation at Scale by Ameet Mohan Naik. This thesis was pretty hard for me. I wrote down several ideas for subject headings and none of them found results in LCSH. I eventually used Wikipedia and searched for wireless sensors which lead me to a page on wireless sensor networks. "Wireless sensor networks" is a heading in LCSH. I could not find any other headings that were appropriate in LCSH. I decided to send a Facebook message to my friend Josh West to see if he had any ideas for subject headings since he just received his bachelor's in Business Information Systems which involves networking. Hopefully this will be fruitful. The call number for this was kind of weird as well. It was under the "Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering." This seemed a little strange, but I soon found out after some research that there isn't really a dedicated call number for computer science stuff. This might be something that LC might want to rectify in the future. For my subject headings, this is what I ended up with:
650 0 Wireless sensor networks.
Sevim checked my work on this one and said it was all good.
For my second ETD, I had an English thesis that titled The Points Where They Meet and Other Stories by Brittany Nicole Stone. This thesis was a collection of short stories about working class people. So I simply used the subject heading "Working class--Fiction" to show this. The call number for this thesis was the main part of the work. I found the base number that you use which is PS3619. This number is for works by an American author whose last name starts with the letter "S" and wrote sometime since 2001. Then you have to cutter for the author and then title. I decided to expand the author's cutter to three numbers after doing a search on KentLINK for the base call number. The call number I ended up with was:
090 PS3619.T664 ǂb P65 2011
And the subject heading that I ended up with was:
650 0Working class ǂv Fiction.
Sevim said that I did good work on this one as well. No changes were necessary.
The third ETD that I cataloged today was a chemistry dissertation titled Protein Profiling Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis and Experiental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Brain Tissue by Sausan Azzam. This dissertation is about mitochondrial dysfunction and its relationship to MS. I don't know much else about it than that. Multiple Sclerosis was a subject heading in LCSH. I couldn't find anything to do with mitochondrial proteins originally, but I eventually found the heading "Myelin basic protein" by looking at the author-assigned keywords and searching LCSH for it. I couldn't find the term mitochondrial dysfunction, but I did find the heading "Mitochondrial DNA--Abnormalities" which really seemed to fit what the article was talking about. Wikipedia was pretty helpful in helping me make the decision to use "Mitochondrial DNA--Abnormalities." That Wikipedia article made it clear that mitochondrial DNA was referring to the same thing that the dissertation was referring to. When Sevim checked my work, she said that everything looked good. Here are the subject headings that I used:
650 0Multiple sclerosis.
650 0Mitochondrial DNA ǂx Abnormalities.
650 0Myelin basic protein.
Sevim checked the thesis I did yesterday about flooding in Ohio titled Individual Risk Perceptions of Flooding: Evaluating the Associations between Experience, Perceptions, and Preparedness. She liked the work I had done for that most part after I explained why I had used certain headings and she looked at some parts of the thesis. The only one I had to take out was "650 0 Flood conrol ǂz Ohio ǂx Public opinion" and that was because it's a broader term of one of the headings I already had. So I ended up with:
650 0Floods ǂz Ohio ǂx Public opinion.
650 0Risk perception ǂz Ohio.
650 0Floods ǂx Risk assessment ǂz Ohio.
650 0Flood damage prevention ǂz Ohio ǂx Public opinion.
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